[Gllug] Research Machine Client Connect

Alain Williams addw at phcomp.co.uk
Thu Dec 19 21:03:48 UTC 2002

I am helping my kids' school, they are looking at a quote for a couple of boxes
from Research Machines -- who currently supply all their IT kit.

I am looking to provide a direct equivalent/competitor to the quote, but using
a box sourced on the open market. It will have M$ XP on it, since that is what
the quote is for. It is my intention to introduce them to Linux in due course,
but I need to do a good job on the current spec & gain the credibility (teachers
are incredibly conservative).

One thing that RM have put down is a licence for 'Community Connect 3 Client' and
their media server software.
* The first seems to be just a nice system admin tool, is it more than this ?
* Does it use proprietary protocols/... ?
* I assume that it doesn't support Linux ?
* It seems to use a browser interface, they talk about M$ IE5 will this work with
  mozilla ?

The media server software seems to just read CDs to disk and serve them up from
there. Is it more than that ? Standard protocols ?

Can anyone shed light on the above ?

Alain Williams

#include <std_disclaimer.h>

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