[Gllug] GNOME Disk Activity

Tethys tet at accucard.com
Tue Dec 10 19:53:33 UTC 2002

Sudhir Anand writes:

>> >GNOME is a far inferior Windows Manager to KDE, which you should use
>> > instead.
>> [...]
>> The thing you meant to say is a matter of opinion also, to put it mildly.
>Not a mtter of opinion but fact. I have found KDE to be reliable but
>Gnome is unstable.

1. Your experiences aren't matched by others. If KDE were really reliable
   and GNOME really unstable, then there would be no contest -- everyone
   would be using KDE. The fact that they're not indicates that both are
   usable, stable systems.

2. "which you should use instead". Wrong list. This is the free world.
   We *like* giving people alternatives, rather than dictating to them.
   People should use whatever they're most comfortable with, not what
   you *think* they should use.

3. As others have mentioned, neither GNOME or KDE are window managers.
   Both are "desktop environments", and although both come with their
   own "approved" window managers, both can be used with any other wm.

4. As all should know by now, both GNOME and KDE are slow bloated heaps
   of crap. Having tried the alternatives, I still find myself returning
   to fvwm2. Everything else is lacking in one way or another (well what
   did you expect -- 'tis apparently the season to be flaming, after all :-)

5. You're not on a path to making many friends around here. On the
   offchance that you're not deliberately trolling, perhaps you might
   want to consider your words more carefully in future before leaping
   in with both feet...


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