[Gllug] ADSL Linux

Norman Duncan normand at teleline.es
Thu Dec 12 13:15:18 UTC 2002


I've got a  3M (remote 812 ADSL router) right here and working fine with 
my Suse 8.1
I had no problems setting it up.
Don't know where you can pick it up in UK.

Jonathan Dye wrote:

>Allen Wayne wrote:
>>Hi All,
>>having finaly begun to admit that I want ADSL at home, what ADSL
>>modem do people reccomend? The idea is vto purchas my own and then
>>probably join plusnet or demon.
>>Any comments advice??? Current home network runs via SUSE 8 and a 56K
>Someone on the list was talking about PCI ADSL modems earlier.  I wondered
>if that person (or anyone else) had any more info about it?  Did it work OK?
>Was it difficult to set up?  What was it?
>I'm thinking about getting a PCI ADSL modem if they work OK as I don't want
>another box cluttering up the rather limited space that my PCs sit in.
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