[Gllug] IDE CD burners

Kim Hawtin kim at aldigital.co.uk
Thu Feb 21 15:59:03 UTC 2002

> > Can people recommend to me IDE CD burners (for use primarily under Linux
> > but also win) please?  I am looking to get one from TCR on saturday
> > (couldn't make it last week) and I was hoping some people could let me
> > know of any particularly good/susccessful burners.
> > I would get a SCSI one if I had a mortgage.
> There are some decent FireWire ones around.  They aren't expensive (bit 
> more than IDE, less than SCSI), Firewire interface cards are cheap I've 
> seen both around the fairs.

speaking of wierdness such as firewire, has anyone played with USB
burners? or hdd's?  or for that matter ethernet, wireless ...
especially under loonix?


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