Sean Burlington gllug at uncertainty.org.uk
Fri Feb 8 20:26:32 UTC 2002

On Friday 08 February 2002 7:25 pm, you wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 07:17:36PM +0000, Sean Burlington wrote:
> > I really don't understand the wrath recruiters invoke on this list - we
> > get maybe one message a month *from* them...
> While we're not the biggest fans of recruiters on this list, we don't
> rant at them as a matter of course. We only rant at the slack-witted,
> slow thinking, small minded, greedy kind. Which, admittedly is most of
> them.

it is routine on this list to rant at recruiters

> If Peter really thought that "gllug" was a real person, then he

which he didn't (read his apology)
he probably read a message from a subscriber and replied to that message - 
even on many (most?) lists this would result in an offlist message.


> Which goes part way to answering your puzzlement. The other thing is
> that many of the people on this list have had a bad time at the hands
> of unscruplous(sp?) recruiters, and it's always good to vent a little
> spleen where it does no harm, IMHO.

as I said - I guess people have had bad experiences 

well it does do harm [IMHO]

I find it a little offensive (but I can live with it)

but more to the point this culture of abusive ranting is very harmfull to the 
open source movement as a whole.




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