[Gllug] Richard Stallman talk

Kim Hawtin kim at aldigital.co.uk
Wed Feb 13 10:20:21 UTC 2002

> > I thought the Stallman talk was very inspiring. Yes he was very tired, and
> I am glad I went - and perhaps I shouldn't be so disrespectful to such a 
> great man...
many people disagree with the principles that R.S. has introduced in
the mainstream "open" communities. 

i believe that the people who disagree with these ideas, do'n't
understand them. not just disagree, but not understand where he is
comming from. i feel that its an issue of cultural conflict.

> > who many of us would/could agree to do a lecture in that state? I guess he
> not many - but for good reason !

not all cultures permit/encourage/agree individuals like R.S. to
speak out about issues such as these. and i believe that R.S. is a
brave man to encite ideas such as these in the minds of the public.

> > had been up at least 24 hrs. His arguments were clearly put and linked
> > together, and I hope there is an Ogg Vorbis version up soon. Of course, I
> > think as he was tired he did not deviate much from the standard script, but
> > is there anything he said that did not make sense?
> his arguments were clear and cogent 
> call it Gnu/Linux (with a hard G)
> software should be Free

for the first time i now believe i understand what the GNU GPL
stands for. it is about preserving the rights of others to have the
rights of access to software as others(you).

the words "free" and "freedom(s)" have been heavily perverted.

> entertainment works should have 10 year copyright
> (what was the other category?)

it is interesting that a "company" can justify that a "product",
can have a copyright for over 90 years ... long after the death of
the original creators.

indeed the company i reference, persecutes others that "parodies" of
their works under the "law" via the state.


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