[Gllug] bash / go to beginning of line

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Thu Feb 21 09:16:54 UTC 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Harker [mailto:jon at jonathanharker.co.uk]
> <accelerant>
> Christ, can someone please explain to me what is so wrong 
> with using the 
> arrow keys in vi? Fine if you're running *nix on keyboards or 
> terminals 
> without arrow keys, but if you're using vi on a PC with an AT 
> keyboard 
> manufactured any time after about 1983 I don't see the point 
> in NOT using 
> arrow keys...?
> </accelerant>

I would not worry about it. I use the arrow keys all the time because I have
not went through that little masochistic bit when you have to learn a new
keypad. I always liken it to playing games on a pc. If you take the time to
learn the keys on the keyboard and learn them well you will normally trounce
the joystick using opposition. I have not got fast enough in vim yet where I
am gaining much percentage in efficiency using the home keys. I am content
learning about marks, appending to registers regular expressions,
calculations, split, buffers, name completion etc etc as these are the
things that are giving me the best percentage gain in efficiency at this
moment in time. When I am touch typing and using functions macros and all
the other plethora of things from within vim I will start to look at
learning the home keys. Everytime I open my book on vim I get a new fangled
way to do something really snazzy and am sorely tempted to try it until I
realise that I could spend years trying all these new things so I try to
stick to the ordinary stuff.

Does anyone else other than me think that vim is close to being a
programming language in its own right.

I highly recommend Vi Improved, Vim by Steve Qualline. New Riders
ISBN 0-7357-1001-5  

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