[Gllug] Spawning too fast

George Saxby George.Saxby at racc.ac.uk
Fri Feb 8 10:30:02 UTC 2002

 well after a very enjoyable double meal at the Thai Canteen with "the
mustgettheres". It is time to get back to the harsh reality of debian.

       After a few moments I get an error on any text consol I am
working on that says "S" is spawning too fast & is being shutting down
for 5 mins.
  tracked this down to inittab and editted out the offending line:-

  S:12345:respawn:/sbin/getty ttyS1

by putting a # in the beggining.

However this ploy does not work even though immediately checking after
a save the line is editted, "the system" seems to re-write the file.
         How do I make the edit stick OR just stop the "S" starting up
at all


George F. Saxby
    Systems Engineer
       I.T.S. Team

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