[Gllug] slang or ncurses? (or other?)

Stig Brautaset stigbrau at start.no
Fri Feb 8 00:35:31 UTC 2002

Hi fellow gllug'ers,

I'm starting a module on uni where I at some point will need to produce
a game of some sort containing simple graphics. I will be using C. For
console, I only know of s-lang and (n)curses. I think I heard somewhere
that s-lang was easier to use. For X I know there is GTK+, but I really
don't need anything that fancy. I'm not going to focus on the graphics
anyway, that is not what interests me. What are your thoughts? 

PS: If it matters, I have briefly programmed with ncurses before. This,
however, was at such a basic level that (and so long ago) that I don't
consider it an advantage.


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