[Gllug] Excess Hardware

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Sun Feb 3 17:24:25 UTC 2002

On Wed, 30 Jan 2002, Darran D. Rimron-Molloy spake:
> You can carry one, MAYBE two, if you are he-man, on a tube.

I am, alas, the inverse of he-man.

(Kieran, wanna help? I know we have no room for one of these but what
the hell, I need a new gadget :) )

> VERY little interest has been shown in these (the PC went to a needy

There is interest from here :) I've been looking for VT terminals in the
sure knowledge that nobody'd have an X terminal... and then you pop up.

> people who wanted the last batch of these I "threw out" but never got
> any....? :) who were you?

Me for starters.

> Nix, what area of London do you live, geographically,

Southall area.

>                                                       and is there a
> GLLUG'er with a car you can bribe with beer to help,

I think if the glluger turns up here he (or she)'ll probably have beer
forced into his unwilling hands anyway, with cries of `try this, it's a
new brew'.

(I'm not sure if this is bribery or experimetnation. It's certainly not
punishment ;) )

>           I'd really rather see these go to a good home, rather than the
> bin.

I know the feeling (this is one reason why I never throw out hardware).

`However, if you want to detect whether (say, 1 in 1000) cars are being
 abducted by bunnies along their route, you've got a whole new problem.'
                              - Scott James Remnant on network problems

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