[Gllug] bnetd.org / blizzard

Tushar Joshi tjoshi at lonix.org.uk
Mon Feb 25 12:48:19 UTC 2002

DMCA? But that doesn't cause any effect in this country so I presume
development and hosting bnetd.org could resume over here?


On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 06:55:06PM +0000, Robert McKay wrote:
> Blizzard has shut down bnetd.org.. for those who don't know what bnetd is;
> it's an open source battle.net server - it allows people to run their own
> game servers for Blizzard games such as starcraft and diablo. Blizzard has
> shut down bnetd.org using the DMCA.
> <rebel>
> I urge anyone who uses bnetd to take a snapshot of the bnetd cvs from
> sourceforge.net before it gets deleted. Even if you have no interest in
> bnetd please help to preserve the source.
> cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at cvs.bnetd.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bnetd login
> cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anonymous at cvs.bnetd.sf.net:/cvsroot/bnetd co bnetd
> The source gzips nicely up into a 600k tarball for easy storage.
> </rebel>
> -Robert.
> -- 
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