[Gllug] Small PCs

John Hearns john.hearns at framestore-cfc.com
Wed Feb 20 12:56:35 UTC 2002

On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 12:07, Chris Ball wrote:
> >>>>> "John" == John Hearns <john.hearns at framestore-cfc.com> writes:
>     John> I remember seeing at LBW last year a small PC, and also have
>     John> seen adverts for it.  It is about the size of a paperback
>     John> book, and has PS/2, monitor ports etc. plus an exterior power
>     John> brick.  Can anyone remind me what they are called please?
The cappucino thing is what I am after.

> That'd be a Libretto, made by Toshiba.  I wanted one for a _long_ time,
> until I used a friend's and realised that I hate tiny lcd screens and
> keyboards that I have to peck with the tips of my fingers because
> they're too small.  :-)

Well, talking about tiny laptops,
if anyone is interested in a sub-notebook sized portable,
with full-sized keys please let me know.

It is a FlexNote 280M
Brand new in box.

(ps. no digs from the guys who went to FOSDEM about me failing to
get Linux installed on the train).

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