[Gllug] Richard Stallman talk

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Tue Feb 19 08:41:49 UTC 2002

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Richard Clamp spake:
> I'll give you that they were clear, but they were so oversimplified
> and self-serving (you can't copyright software, but go ahead and
> copyright works of entertainment, because I don't really deal in
> that)

That's not reasoning I've ever heard him use; more `I can't comment on
entertainment copyright because it's not my field'.

You can't expect him to fight *all* our battles for us.

> I didn't stop for questions, and he seemed concerned that we wouldn't
> get our stickers, but did anyone actually point out that the
> micropayment model never has worked, and seems less and less likely
> that it will.

Why not?

`The classical music makes him feel tranquil and loved so he performs
 regularly. What a life for a guy. He gets to make love every day with
 an artificial cow.'

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