[Gllug] SCSI query (LVD and UltraWide compatibility)

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Fri Jan 25 17:17:28 UTC 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vincent AE Scott [mailto:gllug at codex.net]
> > 
> just a thought, when i plugged my 50 CDR into my U2W chain, i 
> had to buy
> an adaptor for it.  got it from one of the cable junction 
> stalls at the
> fairs.  the guy who sold it too me really knew his stuff, and started
> going into techno bable that i didnt understand about.  cant remember
> what it was, but i explained what i had, what i wanted todo, 
> and he sold
> me the right thing for the job.
> i know thats not much help, but if your thinking of buying another
> cable, ask the vendors first about your setup.  it cant hurt.

I will be accosting several vendors tomorrow with any luck. I found a couple
of good sites about connecting LVD Devices with UW ones but nothing very
specific to what I was trying to do. The strange thing that annoyed me was
that the Controller's Bios could see both devices but when it done the scan
through it always froze at the HD ID. 


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