[Gllug] ADSL

Bruce Richardson itsbruce at uklinux.net
Thu Jan 31 13:18:30 UTC 2002

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 1/31/02, 12:39:50 PM, "Paul Brazier" <pbrazier at cosmos-uk.co.uk> wrote 
regarding [Gllug] ADSL:

> Just been re-reading the recent thread on wires-only ADSL and whether to
> go for a USB modem or an ethernet router (with plusnet).

> As I understand it the ethernet router they recommend is kind of a
> modem, IP-masquerading device and ethernet hub all in one. But if you
> use this wouldn't you then need each of your machines to run their own
> firewalls?

Not if they were on a different network segment.  You could have one box 
acting as a multi-homed host with one ethernet connection going to the 
ethernet hub and one to the LAN.  But there's not much point in that when 
you can get the USB modem instead.  The only reason to do it would be if 
you didn't have USB on the box.  Even then, I see they list one modem 
that has both USB and Ethernet connections.

Basically, if you want one of your boxes to be a gateway/firewall/router, 
go with the modem.  The router is more than you need.



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