[Gllug] Re: [Gllug] Apache Timeout
Steve Maher
ndtltd at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Jan 18 14:58:56 UTC 2002
I would start the report in the background and have a page refresh every 30
seconds with a "Still working" message. If you did make apache timeout you may
loose all the work generated by the report. This is really a application design
Steve Maher
NetDrive Technology Ltd
--- "Jackson, Harry" <HJackson at colt-telecom.com> wrote: > > -----Original
> > From: Xander D Harkness [mailto:xander at harkness.co.uk]
> >
> > Either that or choose something other than a 486sx to run
> > Oracle finacials
> > on ;-)
> It is actually an HP Server running w2000 server. We are trying Web Reports
> instead of Static so that we have a central place for upgrades etc. The
> report in question is very big and running it on a better box has little
> effect so we just run it and let it tear away until its done. It isn't
> financials either thank god.
> Harry Jackson __. __=#|| ___ _o--
> postituk at yahoo.com___##_/_____|==###===###____
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