[Gllug] CPU heatsink question.

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Tue Jan 15 15:53:27 UTC 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vincent AE Scott [mailto:gllug at codex.net]
> Just noticed that one of my CPU fan's is no longer turning, a 
> few prods
> and it'll manage a brief limp upto the heady RPM's of about 1000.
> Doesnt seem to be a big problem, as it's still working, but 
> what i want
> to know, is how difficult is it to remove the heatsink?  im thinking
> about all that thermal bonding material between it and the CPU.
> having never removed one after installation, what does it 
> look like down
> there, and will i need a scalpel to surgically remove it?

No they come off easily and it should just look like a white mess "down
there". I would take off any excess and put more thermal bond down but be
careful how you remove it from the chip. Most chips are very thick skinned
and would take a lot of scraping but I am unsure how deep the skin on a
processor is. It is probably very thin in order to get the heat away from it
as soon as possible and from the Die's I have seen it looks very very thin. 


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