[Gllug] SCSI query (LVD and UltraWide compatibility)
Jackson, Harry
HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Fri Jan 25 13:39:47 UTC 2002
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martyn Drake [mailto:martyn at alug.org.uk]
> Hi folks,
> I'm contemplating buying the ACARD AEC67160 Ultra160 PCI controller
> which comes with an internal and external Ultra160 LVD
> connector (which
> I understand is a 68 pin connection in the same style of Ultra Wide
> connectors). What I want to know is whether I can connect my
> Ultra Wide
> devices using either the supplied LVD connector or a normal Ultra Wide
> connector. Is LVD backwards compatible with Ultra Wide devices?
> Sorry to sound a bit blank about this sort of thing, but
> after all this
> talk about SCSI, it's made me want to get it on my system and
> give it a go.
I do not know if you are still trying to get the above working but I have
been unsuccessful in getting a 50 pin CDR UW and a LVD u160 HD to run on the
same chain. I checked last night to ensure that they are both operational
and they are. I am resorting to buying another lead on Saturday and keeping
them on separate channels.
Writing the inode table in SCSI is noticeably faster to IDE.
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