[Gllug] File size limit exceeded

Brent Geach brent.geach at itouch.co.uk
Wed Jan 30 15:57:19 UTC 2002

Im having a bit of an odd problem

When I try and su - root I get this

[brent at shadow brent]$ su - 
File size limit exceeded


[brent at shadow brent]$ ssh -lroot 0
root at 0's password: 
Last login: Wed Jan 30 14:13:41 2002 from shadow.prv.uk.itouchnet.net
[root at shadow /root]# su -
[root at shadow /root]# su - brent
[brent at shadow brent]$ su -
[root at shadow /root]# 


[brent at shadow brent]$ lsof -n |wc -l
[brent at shadow brent]$ 
not that.

Drive is only 40% used with 10G Available

No serious load on machine.

Anything else I should look at?

  (    (                                                         _______
  ))   ))   .-"There's always time for a good cup of coffee."-.   >====<--.
C|~~|C|~~| (>-----Brent Geach - brent.geach at itouch.co.uk------<) |    = |-'
 `--' `--'  `---------------                   ---------------'  `------'

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