[Gllug] Geforce2

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Wed Jan 23 18:25:18 UTC 2002

Roger Wernersson(roger at elixir-studios.co.uk)@Wed, Jan 23, 2002 at 06:15:14PM +0000:
> To know who economically supports a political party is to know the
> party's priorities. Big companies supports the Tories. Working class
> people supports New Labour and Socialist Workers Party.

oops, looks like missed the difference between the read team and the
blue team.  i thought the red team were now more blue than the blue
team.  as for the yellow team, they waiver between pretending to be blue
and red.  i think they should change the team colour to more of a
purpley one.

too all intents and purposes all the major teams/colours are identical.
but they each tweak the margin of error for division of taxation
slightly differently.

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