[Gllug] London councils and Unix/Linux

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Fri Jan 11 12:04:44 UTC 2002

Alain Williams(addw at phcomp.co.uk)@Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 10:58:30AM +0000:
> On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 07:48:38PM +0000, Jim Bailey wrote:
> > Not absolutely sure but I know a lot of old machines have 1,2 and 4 meg 
> > graphics using system Ram.  8 and 16mb graphics cards can be bought for as 
> > little as £15 from computer fairs and mail order which should be able to 
> > handle things like the KDE desktop.  I personally use an 8mb AGP ATI card 
> > which runs KDE 2.2 without any problems, though admittedly I have a Duron 
> > 650 cpu.
> Some of these old boxes have the graphics card as part of the mother board
> (eg Dell does this a lot). What happens if you put a new graphics card into such
> a m/c ? How do you force it to use the new one ?
> Something that I have been wondering about ...

on my old digital box, it was done in the BIOS.


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