[Gllug] coal mining pendatry & thanks (was Greenhouse emissions (was Geforce2))

Pete Ryland pdr at pdr.cx
Fri Jan 25 01:52:25 UTC 2002

On Thu, Jan 24, 2002 at 12:06:10PM -0000, Jackson, Harry wrote:
> > Incidentally, I strongly suspect that you, in spite of all your
> > ranting, have exactly as much "coal face" experience of war zones as
> > us middle class idiots do; to wit, none.
> Yes but 19 years in N Ireland and 6 months in Bosnia makes me qualified to
> operate the lift that they go down in.

Bloody oath it does.

Actually, coal mines are generally no more than a few hundred metres below
the surface, and hence most will be driven into (the lucky ones will have
rail) through adits.  Vertical lifts are used in the deeper hard-rock mines,
like the diamond mines of South Africa to take an extreme example.

BTW, thanks to all who gave advice about working in London (and allowed me
to let off steam about dealing with agencies).  If anyone's interested,
after a spate of inaction over Christmas, I got offered both jobs that I was
interviewed for, so there's plenty of opportunity in the current market, for
those currently looking!

Pete, displaying some pretty bad english skills, but it's getting late..

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