[Gllug] Mail with .dat attachment

Robin.Cannings at arm.com Robin.Cannings at arm.com
Thu Jan 3 14:55:12 UTC 2002

The reason you get the .dat attachment is in this article :
Usually fixed by setting outlook to send in plain text.


Robin Cannings                                       robin.cannings at arm.com
System Administrator                             tel: +44 162 842 7715

|        |          will          |
|        |          <will at hellacoo|
|        |          l.co.uk>      |
|        |          Sent by:      |
|        |          gllug-admin at li|
|        |          nux.co.uk     |
|        |                        |
|        |                        |
|        |          03/01/2002    |
|        |          15:02         |
|        |          Please respond|
|        |          to gllug      |
|        |                        |
  |                                                                                                                                            |
  |      To:     gllug at linux.co.uk                                                                                                             |
  |      cc:                                                                                                                                   |
  |      Subject:     Re: [Gllug] Mail with .dat attachment                                                                                    |

Jonathan Dye wrote:

> Hi,
> Anyone know what I can do with a .dat file that just arrived in an email.
> The sender say's it is (or contains) a bitmap image.  file says it is
> "Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format".  how do I open it?
> Any tips as to what the sender can do to send it in another format (She
> using MS Outlook so I guess it's a bit OT)

I get a lot of these from my Outlook using colleagues, I just assumed it
to be some outlook-esque appointmenting/flagging system so I ignore the
attachments but I wouldn't mind knowing what they are for certain (I
only get them from some people and not others).


*claw claw* *fang*
*shred* *rip* *ad hominem* *slash*
(more attacks will require consultancy fees.)

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