[Gllug] Excess Hardware

Nix nix at esperi.demon.co.uk
Tue Jan 29 22:18:14 UTC 2002

On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Darran D. Rimron-Molloy yowled:
> Additionally, I am moving out, and have, maybe, still, after my list
> posting, a few HP700rx X-Terms in my loft, they are HEAVY - first come
> first served. Again, recipient collects. I dunno even if they still
> power up :)

Oh, I wish I had a car.

I wish.


`However, if you want to detect whether (say, 1 in 1000) cars are being
 abducted by bunnies along their route, you've got a whole new problem.'
                              - Scott James Remnant on network problems

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