[Gllug] nmap

Tom Gilbert tom at linuxbrit.co.uk
Tue Jan 29 22:42:16 UTC 2002

* Nix (nix at esperi.demon.co.uk) wrote:
> except that both of these have had more security holes reported than
> tcp-wrappers; I've had, root at (twice) in the
> last day alone.

Had? As in what? People successfully logging in?

And the worst httpd bug I've heard of recently (in years) is the
directory traversal bug.

   .^.    .-------------------------------------------------------.
   /V\    | Tom Gilbert, London, England | http://linuxbrit.co.uk |
 /(   )\  | Open Source/UNIX consultant  | tom at linuxbrit.co.uk    |
  ^^-^^   `-------------------------------------------------------'

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