[Gllug] Swap file size

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Thu Jan 31 17:08:13 UTC 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Damerell [mailto:damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk]
> On Thursday, 31 Jan 2002, Jackson, Harry wrote:
> [Sun]
> >If the box dies how does it manage to dump this much stuff 
> to swap or am I
> >being silly. I can see it dumping some core files etc but 
> Gb's of data take
> >a while to drop to disk.
> Two possibilities; the kernel may detect a problem that make
> continuing impossible, but still be alive; and the boot PROM on Sun
> kit is a hell of a lot smarter than a PC BIOS, and may be able to do
> the job.

Do many people have that kind of recovery and investigation procedure out
there or is it a case of get it back up and running afap. If speed is all
important then dumping to swap may not be clever because as the system comes
up it will start paging again. I am just interested in how the big systems
are being managed.

Investigating a 4Gb dump could be a bit of a tw at t. Are there tools out there
for looking through this sort of data. I know there are ones for dumps in
the Linux kernel and I imagine there are ones for most other Commercial
Unix's. When a dump is taken do you send it to the supplier and how do you
know where to send it.


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