[Gllug] backspace key not working in vi

Rob Andrews rob at impure.org.uk
Sun Jan 20 23:01:30 UTC 2002

[20-Jan-2002 12:49.42 (GMT) / Will Jessop]
 > I didn't use vi much a while ago, but I have started using it a bit more 
 > now and so I think it is about time I figured out why my backspace key 
 > doesn't work.  Basically whenever I press it, it prints out ^? and I 
 > have to go back along the line and use the delete key instead.
 > Anyone got any ideas on changing this?  It is wuite annooying.

Other breakages often include very, very very very very broken remote
terminal emulations. If you're accessing this machine via a shonky
ssh/telnet client in Winduhs, you might want to see what the output of:

$ stty -a

Is. The second line usually looks like this:

intr = ^C; quit = ^\; erase = ^?; kill = ^U; eof = ^D; eol = <undef>; eol2 =
<undef>; start = ^Q; stop = ^S; susp = ^Z; rprnt = ^R;

Now, go type 'cat', and press backspace. If you find it outputs '^H', try

$ stty erase '^h'

(the ^h is from shift-6 and h, as opposed to literally pressing ctrl+h).

bash tends to save the user much suffering from dodgy terminals by fixing
these isms without telling you.

Mind you, I haven't seen many broken terminals since I left ICL several
years ago.

nine      <e> rob at impure.org.uk <pgp> 0x8bb5c71e <w> http://impure.org.uk/

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