[Gllug] Re: Gllug digest, Vol 1 #1490 - 13 msgs

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Thu Jan 10 13:32:49 UTC 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clive Hills [mailto:chills at chills.demon.co.uk]
> Let me say firstly that I sympathise with this gentleman's 
> son's plight.
> I have purposely not done the same thing even though I have been
> unemployed for 2 months as it seemed to me that to turn the list into
> another forum for those seeking employment would not be desirable.
> What do other people think?
I may be wrong but has this been discussed and if you want to post an advert
use "ADVERT" in the subject header. I will have to have a look at the lists
rules on this. I suppose I should have had a look before my last post ;-).


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