[Gllug] Greenhouse emissions (was Geforce2)

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Thu Jan 24 10:49:10 UTC 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jonathan Harker [mailto:jon at jonathanharker.co.uk]
> <rant level="flamethrower, cheeky bastard, deliberately provocative">
> As it happens, we should really try and drive manual 
> transmissions, as they 
> can be up to 10% more fuel efficient. I'd be more worried 
> about that, and the 
> fact that the US saw fit to flout ten hard years of trying to 
> build up 
> effective UN environmental legislation (Kyoto, Rio, etc), and 
> yet produce 
> nearly half of the world's CO2. Geez, now they're walking all 
> over 50 year 
> old Geneva POW conventions, too. "Illegal combatants", my arse (ass)!
> PS. reply subject should be "Greenhouse emissions (was Geforce2)"  :-)
> </rant>

All of the above is of course that everyone drives their cars at optimum
efficiency. An automatic for the masses is generally a more efficient car as
you do not get people revving their cars to death or boy racers on the
motorway in third gear because it sounds good. 

As for the POW bit as far as I am aware the pictures taken where at the
start of the prisoners internment. I personally would not want a bunch of
suicidal maniacs capable of an atrocity like 09/11 and spreading anthrax
touching or breathing on me in any shape form or fashion. If the yanks
wanted or where going to be really bad to them I think you might find that
there would be no press pictures or otherwise coming out of that area. They
are very capable of shutting up shop and following the rules i.e. No one
gets to see these prisoners except UN or red cross and that does not include
the press. 

Have you ever thought why the pictures got out in the first place, every
yank wants to see these boys in some form of distress and discomfort, cast a
vote in America at the moment and a large percentage would be happy to have
them shot. Its the mob that gets the vote and Bush's administration is
playing his countries banjo like the kid from deliverance. There is always a
second, third, fourth add infinitum  agenda that we can only second guess
and I have not spent 8 years at MIT Harvard or Yale being groomed for spin.
Thinking they are being cruel because they can is a bit short sighted.

I know it sounds as if I do not care what happens to these guys. To be
brutally honest they should be thankful they are alive at all. I do not
condone cruelty as I would not condone being cruel to an animal but sometime
rabid animals need to be muzzled. In fact rabid animals are taken to the vet
and murdered in the UK. This is a rant for another list and I will no doubt
have lots of replies detailing how far from civilisation I am and that bad
only leads to more bad. I like to look at these things from the perspective
of both parties. I am not one to stand on the touchline and slag off the
people doing the dirty work. It very easy to cry shame when you are a
million miles from someone trying to spill your guts and rape your mother
while we watch television have a nice dinner, live in a two up two down
house with gas central heating and milk delivered to your door. Its a sad
fact that in the society we live in that violence is sometimes the only
method to put things right. I would love to live in a world where all
parties see reason sit around a table and talk things through come to a
conclusion and shake hands but sadly this is not the case.

If genocide is being carried out what do we do if talking does not work. In
a highly civilised world peel would keep talking until all the people where
dead as almost happened in Somalia. Are we not morally obliged to stop it
when it occurs no matter what the cost or would the loss of lives doing it
through violence be unacceptable to the highly civilised.


I know I went off on one here but I know some middle class edjits who love
to take the moral high ground with no concept of what is happening at the
coal face.   


Multiple choice
The guy in the cell knows where the 10000 bomb is complete with detonator.
It goes off in 24 hours. What do you do???

A. Have a cup of tea and a chat.
B. Tell him you cannot harm him but really want to know where its at.
C. You will tell his mother if he won't co-operate.
D. Torture him.

All of the above will have varying degrees of success but if the lives of
two people where in the hands of one I would do whatever was necessary to
one to save the two.

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