'All' in MDK Cooker - Was (Re: [Gllug] RealPlayer and "Cannot open audio device" error)

Colin Murphy SpudULike at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Jan 28 21:27:07 UTC 2002

On Monday 28 January 2002 6:29 pm, Vincent AE Scott wrote:
> Colin Murphy(SpudULike at blueyonder.co.uk)@Mon, Jan 28, 2002 at 10:56:19AM 

> >
> > I thought it was 'lsof', but couldn't find it.  Mandrake 8.1 doesn't
> > seem to install it, by default anyway!
> there are many things that MDK wont install by 'default', it depends on
> what kind of installation you did to start with.  even then, it'll still
> fail to install certain packages.
> there's been some discussion on the mdk.cooker list about if they should
> have an 'all' option, and precisely what should be included in an 'all'
> option.

I saw this, there are several camps that have their own idea of what 'all' 
really means.

I thought to myself, "Why not just produce sets of the MDK kickstart disks 
- or whatever they are called - to include all the software you think is 

These kickstart disks are the ones mdk offers to make for you when you 
have selected all of the packages you want.  It might also record things 
like keyboard and mouse details as well as language and country settings, 
but I reckon these are much easier to change than the huge long list of 

This kickstart disk is then posted to the cooker mirrors with its raison 
d'etre.  You then use whichever kickstart disk suits your needs the most.

You just use the kickstart disk that most closely follows you're needs.

Colin Murphy
SpudULike at blueyonder.co.uk

A man for all seasons, 'specially pepper.

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