[Gllug] java editor

Jonathan Harker jon at jonathanharker.co.uk
Mon Jul 1 20:53:49 UTC 2002

On Monday 01 July 2002 7:04 pm, SteveC wrote:
> I'd like a nice highlighting editor with a black background. This appears 
> to be mission impossible in that
> java editors are not anti aliased
> kde editors are all C/C++ oriented
> or if I want a black background the editor is just a mess
> any ideas?

My pennyworth is get jEdit. It is completely brilliant, fully customisable, 
plugins, skins, you can have your black background (if you really insist on 
giving yourself eyestrain; try dark lettering on a light neutral background 
if your eyes don't like std bright white, as bright lettering on dark is A 
Bad Thing*), and it does antialiased fonts. Runs brilliantly fast on Sun 1.4 
Java, which seems loads snappier and stabler in general than 1.3.

http://www.jedit.org/ I think...

Luv Jon

*I can't recall which psychology/neurology article I was reading,
<ramble> but it was all to do with rods, cones, the way your brain picks up 
symbols, concentration span, etc) Sci Am or New Sc or something... </ramble>

Jonathan Harker
Web: www.jonathanharker.co.uk
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