[Gllug] UK Government software

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Thu Jul 11 11:49:35 UTC 2002

On Thu 11 Jul, Richard Cohen made the following spurious claims:

> The boot image in most cases will be a floppy image (interestingly, 1.2M,
> 1.44M and 2.88M are supported) which will be booted as though it were a disk
> in the floppy drive.  Essentially, you can just point mkisofs at the install
> floppy image for your distro and it Should Work [TM].  mkisofs will create
> the boot catalog for you - in a simple case like this, with a single floppy
> emulation boot, it's pretty much empty anyway...

I've done exactly this in the past using xcdroast.  IBM has a bootable
floppy image to do diagnostics on their (flaky) hard drives.  I don't
have a floppy drive so I downloaded the image and wrote it to an El
Torito CDR.  xcdroast puts a very easy interface on it.

Worked a treat.  El Torito-aware BIOS seems to map the floppy image to
a floppy drive letter under DOS.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>
Send email with subject "send key pub" for public key.

Think: In which world is speech most free: 

1) A world where you can send single personal messages to anyone, but
can't send multiple copies of the same message to people who haven't
authorized you spending their resources that way. 

2) A world where you only can send messages to people who have
explicitly authorized you to do so.

If we win the fight against spammers, we get world 1. If we lose, we
get world 2.

- Per Abrahamsen on slashdot
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