[Gllug] No video card - no boot?

Mike Brodbelt mike at coruscant.demon.co.uk
Mon Jun 17 18:29:05 UTC 2002

On Sun, 2002-06-16 at 19:36, Adrian McMenamin wrote:

> To remove the possibility of hardware conflicts, I removed the video card. But 
> then the machine refused to boot. Is this a common problem - ie do BIOSes 
> expect a video card?

As others have mentioned, most BIOS'es require a video card to boot. One
thing you could do is remove the video card, and replace it with a PC
Weasel (http://www.realweasel.com). This emulates a text mode video
card, so the BIOS will see a video card, but is actually a serial
console card. Ideal for headless machines - you lose the video card, and
get a real hardware serial console at a stroke. The only downside is
that they're a tad pricey (about $250, IIRR).


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