[Gllug] Unmounting an in-use file system

t.clarke tim at seacon.co.uk
Wed Jun 26 11:17:53 UTC 2002

Message from:-
Tim Clarke  (tim at seacon.co.uk)
Seacon Group Ltd / Seacon Terminals Ltd,
Tower Wharf, Northfleet, Kent, DA11 9BD, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)1474 320000
      Fax: +44 (0)1474 329946

The fuser command lists processes that are using a file or filesystem, I believe

It also appears to support a kill feature, which kills off with sig 15 all
processes using the file(s)

So, you could try:

fuser -m /dev/filesys -k; sleep 10, umount filesys

and see what happens


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