[Gllug] Kernel source on Red Hat

Simon Trimmer simon at urbanmyth.org
Wed Jun 5 13:33:41 UTC 2002

On Wed, 5 Jun 2002 tet at accucard.com wrote:
> >I want to install the appropriate kernel sources for 2.4.18-4smp on one of my
> >Red Hat boxes. I have downloaded the appropriate source rpm, but don't really
> >know what to do with it ('installing' it does not seem to place sources
> >anywhere!).
> It should put them in /usr/src/linux-2.4.18-4smp. You can find out exactly
> where it's put stuff by doing:
> 	rpm -ql kernel-source
> The alternative solution, of course, is to just download 2.4.18 (or if
> you're feeling adventurous, 2.4.19-pre10) from ftp.uk.kernel.org. The
> differences between the two are that the RH sources come with some extra
> patches that they seemed necessary for sufficient stability and/or
> features.
> Tet

yes, one or two extra patches...looking at the release kernel in 7.3 ;

[simon at hobgoblin rh]$ ls *patch | wc -l

Dave can correct me but last time I looked SuSE had a few hundred as well 8)

Simon Trimmer <simon at urbanmyth.org>

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