[Gllug] MySQL Woes

Jackson, Harry HJackson at colt-telecom.com
Wed Jun 12 09:57:32 UTC 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Brazier [mailto:pbrazier at cosmos-uk.co.uk]
> Try PostgreSQL. I've not used it but I believe it does more of the
> "proper" SQL RDBMS stuff than MySQL.
> I think MySQL is for when you want speed and aren't so worried about
> referential integrity etc.

I am trying to create an application that can be used with any database. If
MySQL is going to be one of these and it will because of its popularity in
the GNU world then the application code will have to enforce referential
integrity. This means that if we enforce the integrity at the application
level do we duplicate the rules at the Postgres back end or not. Personally
I wouldn't because it will be duplication of effort but we will end up with
a top heavy application that is already suffering with scalability issues.

Postgres is a ODBMS not an RDBMS. Not entirely sure what the implications
are as far as design are concerned but I imagine it would be a bit

To keep it a little on topic, I cannot believe that I have become a victim
of an open source applications popularity.

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