[Gllug] UML and fdisk

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Sat Jun 1 10:37:55 UTC 2002

Jake Jellinek(jj at positive-internet.com)@Sat, Jun 01, 2002 at 10:16:46AM +0100:
> Hi,
> Thanks for this, I'll give it a try.
> I'm not certain if I'm running the very latest version of UML, I did an 
> apt-get install user-mode-linux using latest version in Debian unstable. I 
> hadn't seen any mention of using letters rather than numbers in the 
> documenation with ubd command line.

its only been very recently.  the UML packages for various distros
rapildy become out of date.  Whenever someone post a problem on the
list, the first response is usually "D/L the latest version and try

> To answer your previous e-mail's questions I had tried creating the file 
> system first and the device did exist in the UML.
> Sounds like I should really be on the UML mailing list or at least find an 
> archive (Is there one?)

yep.  its hosted at http://user-mode-linux.sf.net
lists are at:

> For the moment I decided I don't need to mount a disk in this way anyway, 
> and I used rootstrap (apt-get install rootstrap) to build a much larger 
> root filesystem with lots of free space.

You should probably read thru:


> Anyway, many thanks for your help with this. So far I'm pretty pleased with 
> UML although I wish there could be some way (no idea if it is possible even 
> in theory) to limit each UML instance to a certain amount of disk IO usage. 
> I'm going to play with having two UML's each using a different IDE disk and 
> channel, and then experiment with SCSI etc. My aim is to look at having a 
> web hosting product "Virtual-dedicated" along similar lines to the FreeVSD 
> type system that I believe DSVR use.

one thing you should *definately* do for performance, is make sure you
use tmpfs for both the host, and the UML.  that will give you
significant speeds improvements.

you might also want to investigate running hostfs if your requiremnets
allow it.  another option would be NFS.


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