[Gllug] Stupid shell question

Bruce Richardson itsbruce at uklinux.net
Thu Jun 20 18:46:36 UTC 2002

On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 12:43:27PM +0200, John wrote:
> I was just having some idle thoughts (as usual).
> What I was thinking of is that we are deploying some new machines.
> There is a default set of software (RPMs) installed.
> We were just discussing at a meeting what if there was software missing
> which people normally use, and expect to be there on the new machines.

If these were Debian boxes you could adapt auto-apt

Description: package search by file and on-demand package installation
 auto-apt checks the file access of programs running within its
 environments, and if a program tries to access a file known to
 belong in an uninstalled package, auto-apt will install that
 package using apt-get.  This feature requires apt and sudo to work.
 It also provides simple database to search which package contains
 a requesting file.

Now, I would never use this for its intended purpose but it shouldn't be
hard to adapt it to log instead.


What would Edward Woodward do?
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