[Gllug] Heh.. Cool...

John Southern john at sinoda.demon.co.uk
Mon Jun 24 09:53:46 UTC 2002

> >Why do people think this is hard to do?
> Same reason people mistake spam for real messages, as you have
> done. The "Gee, <insert your name here>, I just found this Website,
> and I think the URL is something like [1] http:// blah / " trick has
> to be five years old. I didn't think anyone would fall for it these
> days.
> [1] This alone gives it away. When does a real person ever write that?
> When I mail someone a URL, I cut and paste the thing straight into a
> mail message.

The annoying thing is I definitely killed this message in the spam 
filter but one made it through - Sorry.

John - Now concerned about gaol, as if any spammer anywhere in the world is 
ever killed I have the motive and intent. Really evil intent against spammers 
and email harvesters. Actually thinking about it just about anyone today. 
Monday morning blues :-(

On a lighter side I have another of those stupid questions that I assume 
everyone knows except me.

I use (sometimes) Netscape to browse with. In the bookmarks section is a 
Personal Toolbar section. How do I permanently delete it ?
Everytime I try the next session it rises from the dead. The reason I want to 
do this is I just upload my bookmarks.html to my webpage and always have my 
list no matter what machine I am on.

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