[Gllug] Extracting a range of Lines from a file

Simon Wilcox simonw at simonwilcox.co.uk
Thu Mar 21 13:52:54 UTC 2002

On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Jackson, Harry wrote:

> Hi all
> Im afraid its another Perl question.
> If I want to extract a range of lines on a text match I was thinking along
> the lines of the following.
> while ($current = <EXTRACT>) {
> 		if ($current =~ /^(.*?12\/12\/2000.*?$/ ..
> /^(.*?12\/01\/2001.*?)$/ ) {
> 		    Do stuff on the range here;
> 			}
> 		}

I would do something like this (not tested) :

my $startdate = "12/12/2000";
my $enddate = "13/01/2000"; # Note date you want to STOP matching
my $found=0;

while ($current = <EXTRACT>) {

    # Skip unless we've found the start of this is the first match
    next unless $found || $current =~ m#$startdate#;

    # Jump out if we match the end date
    last if $current =~ m#$enddate#;

    # Increment the found counter
    # becomes true on the first match and keeps a handy tally

    # Do stuff here

Of course, this assumes that you're log file is in date order.



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