[Gllug] apache/php/htaccess type question

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Thu May 23 18:18:16 UTC 2002

Daniel Andersson(daniel at septum.org)@Thu, May 23, 2002 at 05:32:12PM +0100:
> you can do it with php (with register_globals = on)
> <?
> if ($HTTP_HOST == "my.subdomain.domain.com")
> {
>     header("Location: http://domain.com/my.subdomain/");
>     exit;
> }
> ?>

Thanks for that, it kind of worked.  Well, it worked up to the point of
adding an elseif() for a seperate domain.  grr, bizzare.

> one possibility
> but there must be a way with apache, one would think..

Looks like the VirtualHost directive offered by others will only work in
the global config file, which i dont have access to.

cheers for the php example, will try and work out why its not quite
working correctly in my particular instance.


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