[Gllug] Mozilla requesting using lo

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Tue May 7 11:15:17 UTC 2002

tet at accucard.com(tet at accucard.com)@Tue, May 07, 2002 at 09:45:43AM +0100:
> >My Mozilla 0.9.9 (RH7.2) is sending requests using lo instead of ppp0.
> >How on earth did this happen and any ideas how I fix it?
> Presumably because your routing table is telling it to. Add a default
> route for your PPP connection, and all should be well again.

or possibly place a 'defaultroute' line in your ppp options or peers
file.  Which will do the same as above, but will survive reboots.

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