[Gllug] Screen I just have to share

Mark Lowes hamster at korenwolf.net
Fri May 17 07:33:57 UTC 2002

On Fri, 2002-05-17 at 01:39, Emil Vaughan wrote:
> Funny that in America DSL is quite reliable. I mean, not as reliable as a LL
> of course (by the very nature of the service) but it is common to run
> non-critical web services off them. (And the teclo actually gives you a manual
> with your modem-router. And it's yours to keep!)
> The provision of net services in this country sucks, it is about time ISPs
> stopped complaining and provided us with a decent service: both reasonably
> priced LLs and reliable DSL.

*DSL you're stuck with the physical presentation being done by the
telco, and that's where 95% of all our faults arise from.  LL's ditto. 
LL pricing, most of the cost is the telco portion.

Reason?  Telcos don't want ISPs in the loop they'd much rather try and
rake in all the business themselves.

The Flying Hamster <hamster at korenwolf.net>     
What? Somebody has said Bill isn't God?  Oh dear. Mr Bill won't be happy
and it'll be another reign of Microsoft Plague (TM), followed by
Flood (tm) , without the use of Microsoft Ark (tm) this time.

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