[Gllug] Linux laptop?

Vincent AE Scott gllug at codex.net
Thu May 23 13:48:04 UTC 2002

Bruce Richardson(itsbruce at uklinux.net)@Tue, May 21, 2002 at 03:25:49PM +0000:
> On 21/05/02, 16:12:56, Garry Heaton <garry at heaton6.freeserve.co.uk> wrote 
> regarding [Gllug] Linux laptop?:
> > Can anyone recommend a relatively hassle-free, Linux-friendly laptop?
> As a Sony Vaio owner I can emphatically say not Vaios.  Fine if they 
> worked as they are supposed to but desperately unreliable quality in 
> fact.  Be wary of Compaq - they have bizarre bioses that require 
> management software stored on a DOS partition.  Toshiba are OK.  Dell 
> make very reliable, big and ugly machines

me too.
vaio's look nice and sexy but they aint that good.  even support for
windows is a bit naff.  older models do not support XP, and it wouldnt
surprise me if a current model didnt have it on, then it probably wont
go on.

but you dont care about XP, i hope.  i find mine to be just tooo slooow.
a P3 at 500 +256 and it still chugs.  

i'd recommend dell.  never owned one, but i've only heard good things
about them.  

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