[Gllug] Online banking

Simon Stewart sms at lateral.net
Thu May 16 16:58:22 UTC 2002

On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 05:13:04PM +0100, Richard Cohen wrote:
> On Thu, 16 May 2002, Simon Stewart wrote:
> > I'm going to move banks to someone that provides decent support for
> > alternative OS/browser users (and has some more respect for their
> > customers) Your suggestions and experiences are being solicited, cos I
> > guess most of you have tried online banking with your money
> > storage/overdraft provider using $browser_thats_not_ie
> I use Lloyds/TSB (GNU/Lloyds/TSB?) - I actually started with TSB, and they
> got bought out...
> Their online banking works pretty well in NS4, Mozilla and (last time I
> tried it) lynx-with-SSL.  The only slightly clever bit is a couple of
> snippets of Javascript, but it works fine without it.

That's good to hear. There's no real reason why a secure website needs
to be tied to IE (or Mozilla, for that matter)

What can you do on the site? Standing orders? View your account?
Transfer cash from one account to another? To a customer of another

> > I'll be away until Tuesday, so apologies if I'm not overly active in
> > this thread for a while ;)
> That's just not acceptible.  If you can't be bothered to stick around and
> read replies, what's the point in asking in the first place?
> :-P

I do my best to promote chaos and confusion. If this thread is left
untended, it'll disintegrate into one of those interesting flame wars



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