[Gllug] Lonix T-Shirts

Matthew Thompson matt at actuality.co.uk
Sat Nov 9 18:04:02 UTC 2002

On Saturday, November 9, 2002, at 05:11 PM, Matthew Thompson wrote:
> Also interesting to note is that both Steve and Stig are using Plus 
> net - I used to use them and the domain actuality.co.uk was - once - 
> hosted by them. It may be that their DNS servers or cache server (I 
> believe Plus net cache all web access) have got some setting wrong and 
> are redirecting to a plus net server.
> This really wouldn't surprise me as when I left Plus Net they 
> continued to try and take money from me for months and never 
> acknowledged that I had left.
> Can any other plus net subscribers confirm this?

I can confirm this myself. Plus net failed to honour a request to 
cancel the subscription ages ago and have since taken payment from my 
bank account on a switch card that was no longer valid.

To top it all off their system shows a request to transfer the domain 
into their servers on the 15th of October. Since I have my own box in 
Fulham there's no reason why I would do this and didn't even know the 
account password until I phoned their support line and they told me.

With any luck they'll have removed the DNS records soon.

M at t :o)

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