[Gllug] Moving partitons

Jim Bailey jim at freesolutions.net
Tue Nov 19 13:31:23 UTC 2002

Hi all,

Could some one advise me as to the best way to move /home to a new

so far I have filled in the following info I need to perform the task.

Kick everyone off the box but me and close down FTP and Apache since
some of the users are running Wikis and Forums from their home
directories.  Not forgetting Postfix as I am using Maildirs.

I know tar is the way to go but I am unsure of the best/most effient way
of doing it.  Could some one be so kind as to give me some usable syntax

I then figure I need to edit /etc/fstab and change the current home
directory from /dev/sda2 /home to /dev/sdc /home and put the current
home parition under /mnt.

I have read the man page for stab and others linking off it but I can
find no reference for getting the box to reread the file.  Do I need to
reboot the box or simply umount and mount the relevant paritions?

I realise that more research would answer most of my questions but I
have been laid up with the lurgy for the last week and it is getting
rather urgent.  I don't have Linux box I can test this on as my iBook's
graphics card died last week and it is currently being repaired, so I
have to get it right first time.

If people would like more info please let me know, TIA.

Peace Jim

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