[Gllug] Linuxemporium - Pink Tie

George Saxby George.Saxby at racc.ac.uk
Thu Nov 21 13:44:10 UTC 2002

George F. Saxby
    Systems Engineer
       I.T.S. Team

>>> damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk 11/21/02 01:08pm >>>
On Thursday, 21 Nov 2002, George Saxby wrote:
>David Damerell:
>>Not to be a smug Debian user, but the only answer is a distribution
>>with a real committment to remaining Free.
>It may be free but it isi still as far as Joe Public is concerned
>unusable, compared with RH or better still Mandrake. I can give my 12

What does it matter to adults whether or not a child can install a
given distribution?

"What shall we use for the new company mail system? We could use

"No, that won't do. Company policy is that all production systems must
be installed by 12-year-old girls."

Need I say more about attitude? That 12 year old is tommorrrows sysop !
 Here I am trying to educate her that there is more than Windoze and you are closing her out of the LINUX by your own predjudices basesd on her age , her sex and the fact that she has not learned yet to get along with a distribution that is not as frienndly to use as most.
 Well Done....................
David Damerell <damerell at chiark.greenend.org.uk> flcl?

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