[Gllug] Find in FTP ?

Paul Nasrat pauln at truemesh.com
Tue Nov 12 14:09:49 UTC 2002

On Tue, Nov 12, 2002 at 01:43:42PM +0000, Rev Simon Rumble wrote:
> On Tue 12 Nov, Jason Clifford bloviated thus:
> > Alterntively you could write a script that connects and recursively grabs 
> > a listing so you can search that listing locally. Maybe one of the mirror 
> > scripts already has something like this available.
> If it's a public FTP site, try archie (if that still exists) which was
> a search engine for FTP back in the dim dark primordial ooze of the
> net pre-web.  When men were men and routers were nervous.

Sadly the archie servers seem to be no more, whilst pockets of
gopherspace still exist archie doesn't seem to.  

I've had a poke around and can't find archie server code, it was
originally Bunyip Ltd server source, and there seems to have been at one
time freearchie - but I can't seem to see it.

> Alternately, you could probably get archie to run yourself...

Umm, well I think the Prospero protocol is documented, so you probably
could whip up one, say index ibiblio, sunsite and mirror.ac.uk :)

Thinking about pyarchied...


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