[Gllug] Wireless to wired LAN router

Simon Stewart sms at lateral.net
Sat Nov 16 08:16:42 UTC 2002

On Saturday, Nov 16, 2002, at 00:42 Europe/London, Pete Ryland wrote:

> Hi Simon,
> It's probably not the router's fault, but the fact that your 
> 192.168.1.x
> hosts don't know that bix is the router for the 10.x.x.x subnet.  That 
> is,
> on host, for example, you will have the routing table:

Thought of that. The Net GW machine has an entry in its routing table 
indicating that bix is the gateway to the wireless network. Since all 
machines on the wired lan have this as their default gateway, I'm just 
adding an extra hop to any trips to the wireless lan.

> Actually, what's the routing table on the Net GW look like, since it 
> can get
> to the 10.x.x.x network?

It's got a route added to deal with this.

> Anyway, John's solution is much easier (and is what I do here).

Using the software from bridge.sourceforge.net? The wired nic seems to 
work okay, but the wireless one throws a strop and can't be pinged at 
all (from a wireless client, obviously)

I use a set of commands like:

brctl addbr br0
brctl addif eth0
brcrl addif wlan0

To set up the bridge, and then assign it an IP, which should work.



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